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LHR Emploi

L'Hôtellerie Restauration
3.8 out of 5
100,000+ downloads

About LHR Emploi

Search Jobs in hotels and catering.
 Access to more than 2,000 job openings, send your CV, manage your applications with the LHR-use application of L'Hotel Catering.
Cook, waiter, receptionist, maid, manager, professional hospitality, catering, to be even more effective in your job search, download the LHR job application.
Very easy to use, the LHR-use application allows you to:
- Browse jobs by type of position, region and department
- Remember the offers that interest you
- Respond to a job offer by sending a CV, letter of motivation
- Keep a history of your applications delivered
- Receive email announcements of new job offers
- Search for candidates boards / sheets specific business to business RHC.
- Follow the news of the profession

Already have an account in the candidate www.lhotellerie restauration.fr-space, with the LHR job application will access your account and use the CV of your account. Your applications are also stored in your account.

Simple, fast and efficient:
With one click, you watch the new jobs matching your search and send your resume and cover letter.

Download the free app LHR Employment.

Proposed positions:
Chef, chef de partie, cook, assistant cook, diver ...
Dining / Bar / Café:
Butler, head waiter, waiter, room clerk, bartender, sommelier ...
Front office manager, receptionist, night, night auditor, concierge ...
Housekeeper, maid, room mate, seamstress ...
Restaurant manager, catering manager, hotel manager, director of lodging ...
Wellness / Recreation:
Teacher, trainer
Facilitator Spa

New: Recruiters can now access their account and place ads Jobs

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