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Abréviations juridiques

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About Abréviations juridiques

Find the complete list of legal abbreviations in the dictionary initial legal abbreviations, the glossary that allows easy and full access to over 2300 legal definitions of acronyms.

All legal abbreviations in alphabetical order, together in one application. This glossary of abbreviations Law is regularly updated to take account of legislative news. Access quickly without internet connection.

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** 2300+ acronyms, words and phrases recorded **

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A useful and indispensable content for legal professionals, students and lawyers, teachers, judges, notaries, Bar ... Get instant access to thousands of definitions of abbreviations in the field of law, even without Internet connection.

Suitable for students (bachelor, master, prep) and professionals (HR services, business leaders, social agencies or employees).

This glossary of legal abbreviations covers all administrative law, property law, public economic law, planning law, law of the civil service, constitutional law, Community law, civil law, criminal law, commercial law, the labor, tax law, civil procedure, criminal procedure, administrative procedure, international law or public liberties ...

How it works ? Discover the list of abbreviations in alphabetical order. On the Home screen, click one of the letters to access the list of legal terms and their definitions.

Search by typing a term in the initial search bar. The list of words containing the letters sought appears at the bottom of page. Click an item to see its full meaning.

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