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Clemenceau le tigre vendéen

Centre des monuments nationaux
100+ downloads

About Clemenceau le tigre vendéen

Discover the intimacy of Georges Clemenceau during a unique immersive experience thanks to Overlap Reality® technology developed by SkyBoy
which enhances the effects of augmented reality.

The National Monuments Center is joining forces with this young company and will meet you at the Clemenceau house in Saint Vincent sur Jard to make you discover its intimacy during a visit to be experienced on smartphones and tablets, at the through the reconstruction of small scenes from his daily life. For example, you can find Clemenceau in great conversation with his faithful friend Claude Monet, as if you were there ...

How it works ?
- download the application.
- position yourself on one of the 4 viewing points.
- launch the experience with your smartphone or tablet provided.
- and share a scene of the life of the Vendée Tiger in the very heart of his former home.

Clemenceau le tigre vendéen Screenshots