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This application is intended for pilots of light airplanes, microlights and users of computer simulators. It covers mainland France and partially overseas.

Feature lists:

- GPS tracking of the device: Position, ground speed, heading, altitude
- Vector speed with bubbles or dashes of time
- Management of the current navigation point (heading to be taken / time remaining)
- Choice of display of wind & drift, height, or arrival time at destination
- Intelligent self-centering of the map
- North-true modes or direction of the device
- Quick "Direct" function
- The "Direct" function allows you to search for towns, villages (if connected)
- Automatic recording of your flight tracks (visualization directly in SDVFR or export to KML or GPX formats)
- Easily embed all SIA documentation (VAC, VAC HELI, AIP, SUP AIP, AZBA)
- Easy access to VFR & weather guides, supplement to maps, legends
- Geo-referenced VAC placed on the base map (approach, turn of the track, taxiways & car parks)
- Geo-referenced AIP SUP (see areas from AIP SUPs directly on the map)
- Weather messages: METAR, TAF, SIGMET (decoding, colors, wind alert, graphic sigmets)
- Widget "My station" to quickly view your favorite METAR & TAF without launching the application
- Position and information of airports / aerodromes / heliports / ULM bases (
- View wintems on 18 different levels (FL005 to FL150) over 24 hour forecasts
- Direct access to Météo-France maps (Wintem & Temsi)
- Aeronautical cards: IGN 500K, SIA 250K, CartaBossy, Editerra Air Million (paying)
- SDOACI France & Corsica aeronautical map (free)
- SIA million maps & cruises, OpenStreetMap, IGN Road scan 1M / 250K road (free)
- Display multiple cards in the order you want
- Paid option to use your own cards (mbtiles format)
- Automatic synchronization of planes, navigations and maps between your terminals
- On-demand synchronization of your flight tracks
- Notams of aerodromes and FIR
- Dynamic AZBA function
- VFR reporting points
- Dynamic profile (sectional view of the air spaces in front of you)
- Easily build a navigation and see the corresponding nav log
- Associate frequencies on its navigation log
- Automatic calculation of drift and effective wind, weather with wind
- Theoretical calculation of ascents / descents
- Manage a list of devices with their characteristics
- "Flight file" screen: Land, Notams, METAR, TAF on your route
- Complete navigation profile (relief & airspaces crossed)
- View an airspace and its information easily via a double-tap on the map
- Manage your browsing (PDF export, save, print, send by email)
- Import / Export of navigations or tracks in GPX format
- Export of navigations in PLN format for FSX or P3D
- Export of navigations in FPL format for Garmin
- Edit fuel quotes (PDF export, printing, sending by email)
- Screen of masses and centering
- Modifiable units (altitude, distance, speed)
- Customization of line thicknesses and colors (navigation, speed vector, track)
- VOR / NDB overlaps
- Management of personalized points (UserWaypoints)
- Display KML files on the map
- Two stopwatches
- Magnetic variation taken into account
- Application designed for non-connected use
- Uses official data from the AIS
- Automatic update (AIRAC cycle every 28 days)
- Connection to a simulator (FS2020, FSX, P3D, X-Plane, FlightGear, AeroFly)
- Connection to a traffic detection unit (GDL90 or Flarm NMEA via Wifi)
- System of "notams" to be informed on the state of health of the application
- Store personal PDF files in Document Explorer
- GUND correction to refine the altitude provided by the GPS