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Petit Pont

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About Petit Pont

Discover Petit Pont and a new way to love football! Petit Pont is a completely free game, linked to the reality of Ligue 1. Make your team with real players and compare each week your score to that of your friends, and all French players! Try to climb the different leagues and be the best!

Principle of the game:
1. Create your team every week before the championship day, buying league 1 players with a monthly budget of several million.
2. Each goal scored in real life earns you 100 points, each decisive pass 50 points.
3. If you finish in the top of the week, you are promoted to the top league.

• Completely free game
• Compare yourself with your Facebook friends
• Chat with your Facebook friends
• Progress between the different leagues (Bronze, Silver, Gold, ...)

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