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Stay connected with AZENA Expertise Comptable.

A single application to manage your activity:
- Manage the documents of your activity.
- Quickly file your accounting documents.
- Keep access to important documents 24/7.
- Quick access to our management tools
- Exchange platform with your accounting firm

At Cabinet AZENA, we do not only offer accounting.

- You are supported in the management of your activity (management of the break-even point, estimation of fixed costs, activity forecasts, etc.).

- You are advised in the important choices of your strategy and in the different phases of the life of your company (need for financing, choice of investment, support in the acquisition and sale of activity, etc.).

- You are advised in the development of your professional but also personal assets (real estate investment, optimization of the succession, early transfer of assets, Dutreil pact, income tax, etc.).

Cabinet AZENA is a tailor-made accompaniment in all the moments of your life both professionally and personally.