The SinGal Dictionary is a Galician Synonyms Dictionary with 200,000 words grouped into 45,000 senses (30,000 entries) by their meaning similarity.
The SinGal Dictionary is the open-source offline mobile version of the Dicionario de Sinónimos do Galego ( elaborated by Xosé María Gómez Clemente, Xavier Gómez Guinovart and Alberto Simões (Vigo: Xerais, 2015) at the Seminario de Lingüística Informática of the University of Vigo (, where is freely available since 2013. This dictionary is the result of the revision, updating, enlargement and conversion to digital format of the Dicionario de Sinónimos da Lingua Galega (Vigo: Galaxia, 1997), already out of print, published under the coordination of Camiño Noia, Xosé María Gómez Clemente and Pedro Benavente, with the participation of Gonzalo Constela, Xosé Henrique Costas and Valentín Arias.
The SinGal Dictionary is the open-source offline mobile version of the Dicionario de Sinónimos do Galego ( elaborated by Xosé María Gómez Clemente, Xavier Gómez Guinovart and Alberto Simões (Vigo: Xerais, 2015) at the Seminario de Lingüística Informática of the University of Vigo (, where is freely available since 2013. This dictionary is the result of the revision, updating, enlargement and conversion to digital format of the Dicionario de Sinónimos da Lingua Galega (Vigo: Galaxia, 1997), already out of print, published under the coordination of Camiño Noia, Xosé María Gómez Clemente and Pedro Benavente, with the participation of Gonzalo Constela, Xosé Henrique Costas and Valentín Arias.
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