Kansas trail maps for hiking, biking, equestrian and kayaking all in one place!
Discover over 4,000 miles of Kansas’ public trails.
Download this custom app with no in-app purchases or subscriptions, created by Kansans for Kansans through the team effort of Kansas Wildscape Foundation and the Kansas Trails Council. Locate statewide trail without pop-ups or annoying ads. GetOutdoorsKansas is designed to be direct, stream-lined and easy to use.
Easily explore Kansas trails with these convenient features:
* Find every Kansas trail of every type and permitted use on the only complete trail map that is continuously updated by our trail team.
* Follow your progress with GPS capability on the interactive trail feature.
* Auto-cache trail maps to explore while off-line.
* One touch and easily know the trail’s distance from your location, the length and its permitted use.
* Filter trails by hiking, biking, equestrian, motorized and water recreational use.
* Search trails by surface type.
* Access directions to all trail heads.
* Find current trail information actively monitored and updated by the GetOutdoorsKansas trail team.
* Instant trail rendering using a custom 2-stage WKT parser.
* Innovative card UI detail views.
* Search by proximity, activity and costs.
* Search by keywords to find trail information.
Join us! Like what you see and want to add your trail info for free?
* Report new trail information to info@getoutdoorskansas.org and we’ll get the GetOutdoorsKansas trail team on it.
Discover over 4,000 miles of Kansas’ public trails.
Download this custom app with no in-app purchases or subscriptions, created by Kansans for Kansans through the team effort of Kansas Wildscape Foundation and the Kansas Trails Council. Locate statewide trail without pop-ups or annoying ads. GetOutdoorsKansas is designed to be direct, stream-lined and easy to use.
Easily explore Kansas trails with these convenient features:
* Find every Kansas trail of every type and permitted use on the only complete trail map that is continuously updated by our trail team.
* Follow your progress with GPS capability on the interactive trail feature.
* Auto-cache trail maps to explore while off-line.
* One touch and easily know the trail’s distance from your location, the length and its permitted use.
* Filter trails by hiking, biking, equestrian, motorized and water recreational use.
* Search trails by surface type.
* Access directions to all trail heads.
* Find current trail information actively monitored and updated by the GetOutdoorsKansas trail team.
* Instant trail rendering using a custom 2-stage WKT parser.
* Innovative card UI detail views.
* Search by proximity, activity and costs.
* Search by keywords to find trail information.
Join us! Like what you see and want to add your trail info for free?
* Report new trail information to info@getoutdoorskansas.org and we’ll get the GetOutdoorsKansas trail team on it.
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