Monitor Research
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Android OS: corresponding to 4.2.2 or higher

"Available explanation."
This application is a dedicated app "GILSEED Bluetooth® Module".

In order to use this application, you will need the "Voice Module GILSEED GVZ-01" and "GILSEED Bluetooth® Module" (sold separately).

"Functions list"

[Speech recognition]
You can enjoy car and interact with (pseudo).

[Voice recognition customization features]
The user can be done to your favorite keyword generation.

[Voice Play function]
You can voice of utterance in the remote from a remote location.

[Control function]
The opening and closing can be done, such as a door lock with voice recognition and buttons.

[Semi-door warning function]
When the door is open, a warning by voice.

[Sensor function]
After the door lock, and notify you by voice when the sensor detects a shock.

[Rearm function]
If you unlock has been released a False, re-lock.

[Vehicle speed lock function]
After running start, the door is locked automatically, after the engine is stopped,
Auto it is unlocked.

[Traveling function]
After running start, let you know the attention in the voice to the driver.

[Stop function]
After the engine is stopped, and notify you by voice At the set time.

[Rapid function]
After the engine is started, it will be announced a break in the voice to the driver and after a few hours.

[Sleep function]
In order to protect the battery up, and then to the energy-saving mode.

GILSEED Screenshots