This application is practical information about uterine cancer (cervix) and Early Detection through IVA Test.
IVA Test (Visual Inspection of Acetic Acid) is an examination of the cervix (cervix) by looking directly at the naked eye, after applying the cervix to a solution of 5% Acetic Acid. In this way it can detect as early as possible cervical cancer.
For women who want to know more details and attend the IVA Test, they can contact the Puskesmas officer or IVA Test Cadre.
IVA Test ... LET'S JOE ....!
IVA Test (Visual Inspection of Acetic Acid) is an examination of the cervix (cervix) by looking directly at the naked eye, after applying the cervix to a solution of 5% Acetic Acid. In this way it can detect as early as possible cervical cancer.
For women who want to know more details and attend the IVA Test, they can contact the Puskesmas officer or IVA Test Cadre.
IVA Test ... LET'S JOE ....!
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