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Grip cloud 송출앱

Grip corp.
500+ downloads

About Grip cloud 송출앱

Broadcasts created in Grip Cloud Admin can be transmitted through mobile.

1. Sign up for Grip Cloud
After applying for a service subscription through an inquiry to the Grip Cloud customer center
You can transmit broadcasts.

2. Main function information
1) Broadcast in rehearsal mode: You can broadcast in rehearsal mode.
Broadcasting in progress is not exposed to customers.
It is also possible to switch to a live broadcast during a rehearsal.

2) Live mode broadcast
Live Mode Broadcasting: You can broadcast live.

3) Game function
You can proceed with a lottery, first-come, first-served game, first letter quiz, OX quiz, etc.

3. Information on app access rights
-Camera: You can record live broadcasts.
-Microphone: You can record your voice when shooting a live broadcast.

Grip cloud 송출앱 Screenshots

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