G & T Insurance, Do not fail.
As part of the innovation that has had Seguros G & T over its 65 year history, now has a mobile application capable of emergency Work out a flexible and no excuses.
You can access the application securely and easily, creating an account or using your account segurosgyt.com.gt, to view your policies, make payments and track your claims.
For times of urgency you can report your emergency vehicular collision, theft or request assistance (crane, flat tire, or other services according to your coverage), where the application detects the location of the emergency, you automatically assigned Fitter close and all this you can view it on the map that presents the application.
To support you in your daily work, you can make payments on policies from the same Smartphone with your credit card and view invoices in PDF format. In addition to following up any claim that policyholders have had Auto, Medical Expenses and Miscellaneous.
Any questions or queries, you can contact us by phone 1778 option 5 or e soportemovil@gyt.com.gt
As part of the innovation that has had Seguros G & T over its 65 year history, now has a mobile application capable of emergency Work out a flexible and no excuses.
You can access the application securely and easily, creating an account or using your account segurosgyt.com.gt, to view your policies, make payments and track your claims.
For times of urgency you can report your emergency vehicular collision, theft or request assistance (crane, flat tire, or other services according to your coverage), where the application detects the location of the emergency, you automatically assigned Fitter close and all this you can view it on the map that presents the application.
To support you in your daily work, you can make payments on policies from the same Smartphone with your credit card and view invoices in PDF format. In addition to following up any claim that policyholders have had Auto, Medical Expenses and Miscellaneous.
Any questions or queries, you can contact us by phone 1778 option 5 or e soportemovil@gyt.com.gt
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