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헤븐 포인트 교회

HBJ Company
100+ downloads

About 헤븐 포인트 교회

VISION 1. Success of worship

Worship is time to meet God and receive the forgiveness found their sins and grant recipients hours and hours four people (Isa. 6: 1-8).
It is the Church strive to recover most of all worship, as well as the official site of worship in our lives is the worship site
Worship in spirit and truth, success will soon be a successful life. Worship is the vision of our church.

VISION 2. God's culture ministry

Satan in the guise of culture and deceive the people of the world and blinded by temptations.
We need to change the culture in the world of culture, ministry of Jesus Christ. The Christian culture ministry must conduct world culture.
Our church is composed by more thorough planning and preparation through music and the arts from God Created
Praise, worship in dance, drama, musical, Jesus Christ will witness the eccentric (Matthew 16:16).

VISION 3. Education

Faith Christian Education is a lifelong education that aims rounded education because they grow growing throughout life.
Our church is striving for a thorough education ministry of the Word and learn through training and raising confident that dwell therein
You want to live a life of discipleship. (II Timothy 3:14). Education is the vision of our church.

VISION 4. Mission

Mission is the nature of the church is Jesus' great commission. Evangelization is the most powerful force to prevent Satan's activities.
Our church is only the evangelization of the world through the power of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28: 18-20), it will face.
The desire of the kingdom of God, we want to work on time. (Matthew 24:14)

VISION 5. Healing

Jesus Christ is still alive characters solve all the problems revealed said.
Before the Holy Spirit through personal worship will heal our spirits and diseases of the mind and body.

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