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About 毛泽东全集(有声)

"Mao Zedong Anthology" is an anthology of Mao Zedong's works. It is another comprehensive Mao Zedong anthology compiled and edited by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China after the "Mao Zedong Anthology". Its editing work began in 1992 and was completed in 1999, which took 8 years. It is a systematic selection of important manuscripts that have not been selected in the first to fourth volumes of "Mao Zedong Anthology." A total of eight volumes are published by the People's Publishing House. They are published in three successive releases: the first and second volumes were published in 1993. The third, fourth and fifth volumes were published in 1996, and the sixth, seventh and eighth volumes were published on July 1, 1999. There are 803 selected manuscripts, including 504 during the democratic revolution and 299 during the socialist period.
A book of Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works was edited by Mao Zedong's Selected Reading Editorial Committee in May 1964. It is for general cadres to study. It is divided into upper and lower volumes and published by People's Publishing House. publishing. In August 1986, it was edited by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and edited by the People's Publishing House.

Military: Six volumes of "Mao Zedong Military Collection" (co-edited by the Central Literature Research Office and the Academy of Military Sciences, jointly published by the Military Science Press and the Central Literature Press in December 1993), "Mao Zedong's Military Manuscripts since the Founding of the People's Republic of China" Room, Editor of PLA Academy of Military Sciences, Military Science Publishing House, Central Document Publishing House, published in January 2010, divided into three volumes, about 1.1 million words, telegraph, instructions, speech, conversation, correspondence, inscriptions, etc. 821 Articles, of which 91 were published for the first time).
Literature and Art: "Mao Zedong's Essays" (edited by the Institute of Literature of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Editorial Committee of Marxist Theory Series, published by People's Literature Publishing House in December 1958, and published in September 1964, and renamed "Mao Zedong's Essays and Art" The third edition was published in July 1983, and the title was changed back to "Mao Zedong's Essays". "Mao Zedong's Essays" (People's Literature Publishing House was re-edited on the basis of "Mao Zedong's Essays and Art". It was published in June 1966. In August 1992, the revised edition was republished. The Central Literature Research Office of the CPC Central Committee supplemented the "Mao Zedong's Essays" (revised edition). The Central Literature Publishing House published "Mao Zedong's Literary Collection" in April 2002).
Correspondence: "Selected Works of Mao Zedong Letters" (edited by the Central Literature Research Office of the Communist Party of China, published by the People's Publishing House in December 1983), "Mao Zedong's Family Books" (Central Plains Farmers' Press 1994 Edition), "Mao Zedong's Letters to Relatives and Friends of Shaoshan" (Central Literature Publishing Press, 1996).
Poems: "Selected Poems of Mao Zedong" (Editor Hu Qiaomu, People's Literature Publishing House, September 1986), "Collection of Mao Zedong Poems" (Edited by the Central Literature Research Office of the Communist Party of China, published by Central Literature Publishing House in September 1996), "Mao Zedong's Poetry Complete Works "(Chengdu Press 1995).
Handwritten: Selected Handwriting of Mao Zedong's Letters (co-edited by the Central Literature Research Office of the CPC and the Central Archives, published by the Cultural Relics Press in December 1983), Selected Works of Mao Zedong's Inscriptions (Selected by the Central Archives, People's Fine Arts Publishing House and Archives Published jointly by the publishing house in May 1984), Selected Works of Ancient Poems by Mao Zedong (Selected by the Central Archives, jointly published by the Cultural Relics Publishing House and Archives Press in July 1984), Selected Works of Mao Zedong's Selected Works, 10 volumes (published in Beijing) (1993 edition), "Mao Zedong's Handwriting Reality" (Xiyuan Publishing House 1998 edition).
Annotations: "Annotations of Mao Zedong's Philosophy" (edited by the Central Literature Research Office of the Communist Party of China, published by Central Literature Publishing House in March 1988), "Anthology of Mao Zedong's Annotated Collection of Ancient Books in Reading History" (published by Central Literature Publishing on November 1, 1993, collected by Mao Zedong Annotate about 3,000 words on ancient books).
Others: Collection of Mao Zedong's Rural Surveys (People's Publishing House, 1982), Selected Works of Mao Zedong's Journalism (Co-edited by the Document Research Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Xinhua News Agency, Xinhua Publishing House, December 1983), Selected Works of Mao Zedong's Diplomatic Works ( Co-edited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Central Literature Research Office of the Communist Party of China, jointly published by Central Literature Press and World Knowledge Publishing House in December 1994), "Reports and Speeches of Mao Zedong at the Seventh National Congress" (Edited by the Central Literature Research Office of the Communist Party of China, Central Literature Publishing Published in April 1995), "Selected Documents of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China", eight volumes (published by the Central Party School Press of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, 1989-1992), "Selected Works of Mao Zedong in Tibet" (Documentary Research Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Tibet Autonomous Region Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Chinese Tibetan Studies Co-editory of Research Center, jointly published by Central Literature Publishing House and China Tibetology Publishing House in 2001).

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