抽新股(IPO) icon


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About 抽新股(IPO)

Providing IPO informational applications listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, that is, you are in control of the latest trends in new shares.
Features include;
1. IPO information, including IPO information, listed company information, financing information, etc.
2. The latest news of new stocks, keep up to date with the latest news
3. Sponsor's track record, which can check and compare the sponsor's track record
4. New stock calculator to reserve sufficient funds for the exhibition
5. Dark disk price reference, Hong Kong's three major dark trading venues, Futu, Hui Li and Yao Cai
6. Discussion forum, sharing the opinions and opinions of each user on each new stock,

- This program will not support versions prior to Android 4.1
- This is an unofficial app APP and has nothing to do with the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

Disclaimer: The author does not represent or warrant the correctness or reliability of the content; nor does it assume any legal liability, and therefore the derivative losses are not responsible.

抽新股(IPO) Screenshots