提供北角、北角半山等港島區屋苑樓盤資訊及物業成交紀錄, 地圖搵樓, 方便搜尋全港各區商舖, 至中論壇, 為準置業者提供至中肯分析。
Asia Property Agency Co., Ltd.
Provides real estate information and transaction records of all estate properties in North Point and North Point Mid-Level Area. Map search engine provides a fast and convenience way for searching all commercial properties in Hong Kong.
A property article provides professional analysis for prospective home buyer.
提供北角、北角半山等港島區屋苑樓盤資訊及物業成交紀錄, 地圖搵樓, 方便搜尋全港各區商舖, 至中論壇, 為準置業者提供至中肯分析。
Asia Property Agency Co., Ltd.
Provides real estate information and transaction records of all estate properties in North Point and North Point Mid-Level Area. Map search engine provides a fast and convenience way for searching all commercial properties in Hong Kong.
A property article provides professional analysis for prospective home buyer.
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