Trinity App Lab - Singham
Singham is a free app to promote multicultural diversity of India by encouraging users to read and post on the great Indian culture, art, people, festivities and religions. It is an initiative to bring bonding of love and peace among all. Singham has various sections of information which is to enrich the knowledge of its users on the various aspects of India. Objective is to have a young and vibrant India which is open to all cultures, people and religions. With equality, love and peace for all.
Singham is a free app to promote multicultural diversity of India by encouraging users to read and post on the great Indian culture, art, people, festivities and religions. It is an initiative to bring bonding of love and peace among all. Singham has various sections of information which is to enrich the knowledge of its users on the various aspects of India. Objective is to have a young and vibrant India which is open to all cultures, people and religions. With equality, love and peace for all.
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