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About Otlaat

When you are ready to travel, the Otalat App is your best tool for finding and booking the very best deals on any kind of accommodation, anywhere in the world. Download the app now and enjoy discounts and other exclusive offers

Book in more than 900,000 hotels and apartments at the lowest price in more than 200 countries.

Instant search for the best and cheapest hotel deals available

Interactive Map: You can choose the right hotel directly from the city map.
Additional information: Get all necessary information about chosen hotel — inspiring photos, detailed description, room services, features and even the places close to the hotel.
No additional taxes and fees: No hidden taxes or any unexpected fees will be added to your payment..

Sorting options: Sort results by price, popularity, rating or proximity to the city center.
Hotels near me: you will get all cheap hotels nearby and hotel rooms near me.
Hotel discounts: Find hotels and get cheap hotel rooms and cheap last minute hotel deals with special offers and catch one-day discount hotels!.
Available Currencies: See hotel rates in the currency that suits you best.
No ads: No ads appear, you can browse and book without any inconvenience.
Language: You can choose the language that suits you easily.
Support and assistance: We provide you with support around the clock by calling and messaging 24/24.