Great interpretation of the Koran interpretation of Ibn Kathir is known to the Imam Imad Eddin Abu Fida Ismail bin al-Qurashi many Damascene known many of the son (d. 774 AH)
Depends Ibn Kathir in his commentary on the interpretation Mathur, a interpretation of the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah, as well as the little conversations and effects assigned to the owners, and the sayings of the companions and followers, is also interested in the Arabic language and the sciences, and is interested in substantiated and criticism, and is interested in remembrance of the readings and the reasons come down.
Depends Ibn Kathir in his commentary on the interpretation Mathur, a interpretation of the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah, as well as the little conversations and effects assigned to the owners, and the sayings of the companions and followers, is also interested in the Arabic language and the sciences, and is interested in substantiated and criticism, and is interested in remembrance of the readings and the reasons come down.
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