매쓰플랫 학생·학부모용 – 대한민국 1등 수학문제은행 icon

매쓰플랫 학생·학부모용 – 대한민국 1등 수학문제은행

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About 매쓰플랫 학생·학부모용 – 대한민국 1등 수학문제은행

You can log in with the student and parent numbers registered in the Mathplat registered academy.
(This is not a teacher app. You can apply for the teacher app at https://mathflat.com on the Mathflat website)

▸ Parent Login
Parents can check their child's attendance history, learning status, reports, and notices in real time.

▸ Student login
Students can also check their own learning records and check their scores by grading textbooks and worksheets.

Korea's No. 1 Math Problem Bank Please use Math Flat for students and parents comfortably!

매쓰플랫 학생·학부모용 – 대한민국 1등 수학문제은행 Screenshots