Millions of people die in accidents, disasters and unforeseen events due to delays in handling and or incorrect first post-event medical treatment
Enough! It's time to respond
Partnering with the government and relevant stakeholders, Respons is an emergency services platform supported by equipment and professional teams in various regions to provide fast, precise, and FREE pre-hospital services.
Feature :
1. Report emergency events instantly with PSC support from various regions
2. Emergency phone and chat access to local PSC
3. Check blood availability in real time
4. Check Availability of Hospital Rooms and Inpatient Health Centers in real time
5. Recommendations for the nearest health service from the location
6. Read articles and health tips up to date
Service Support:
1. Central Java Provincial Government.
2. PSC 119 Si Slamet, Batang Regency.
3. PSC 119 Santri, Pekalongan Regency.
4. PSC 119 DES, Demak Regency.
5. PSC 119 Santri, Blora Regency.
6. PSC 119 Sigap, Grobogan Regency.
7. PSC 119 Siaga, Kendal Regency.
8. PSC 119 Hello Healthy, Karanganyar Regency
9. PSC 119 Garuda, Brebes Regency.
10. PSC 119 Match, Tegal City.
11. PSC 119 Palopo, Palopo City.
Enough! It's time to respond
Partnering with the government and relevant stakeholders, Respons is an emergency services platform supported by equipment and professional teams in various regions to provide fast, precise, and FREE pre-hospital services.
Feature :
1. Report emergency events instantly with PSC support from various regions
2. Emergency phone and chat access to local PSC
3. Check blood availability in real time
4. Check Availability of Hospital Rooms and Inpatient Health Centers in real time
5. Recommendations for the nearest health service from the location
6. Read articles and health tips up to date
Service Support:
1. Central Java Provincial Government.
2. PSC 119 Si Slamet, Batang Regency.
3. PSC 119 Santri, Pekalongan Regency.
4. PSC 119 DES, Demak Regency.
5. PSC 119 Santri, Blora Regency.
6. PSC 119 Sigap, Grobogan Regency.
7. PSC 119 Siaga, Kendal Regency.
8. PSC 119 Hello Healthy, Karanganyar Regency
9. PSC 119 Garuda, Brebes Regency.
10. PSC 119 Match, Tegal City.
11. PSC 119 Palopo, Palopo City.
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