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BengkelKita - Cek Harga Parts

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About BengkelKita - Cek Harga Parts

BengkelKita provides the most complete price information for motorcycle spare parts with excellent features that make it easier for you, such as:
- Check the latest product prices
- Product Search
- Scan the QR Code of the Product
- Parts Catalog
- Pricelist Parts
- Product Update Notifications

BengkelKita provides price lists from well-known brands in Indonesia, including:
-ATPM: Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, Kawasaki
-OEM: GS Astra, FIM, NPP, Federal, Aspira
-Tires: IRC, FDR, Zeneos
And many others

Prices are updated regularly, following price updates from the manufacturer.
All prices listed are HED / HET / Prices recommended by the factory, and include 11% VAT

*Prices listed are for reference, and are not binding, depending on the policy of the seller / shop / workshop in your respective area
**Prices are subject to change at any time without prior notice
***This application was developed independently and is not an official application from the brands listed above

Dedicated to Indonesian Mechanics
by CV IBS - UD Indah Motor Klaten

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