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About Kanal9id

channel9.id as a site that relies on the power of Semarang Central Java news and the latest news from a number of regions, hopes to provide new experiences for its readers. That is why channel9.id tries to present news content on a number of channels that are familiar to netizens.

It is hoped that this easy access will be able to meet the news needs that citizens want. channel9.id can also be enjoyed through various official social media platforms (medsos), channel9.id.

So that between readers and channel9.id there will be a complementary symbiosis. Because channel9.id readers can actively interact, by providing feedback. Apart from discussing news content, readers can also send their activities around them through community channels.

Kanal9.id will continue to proceed with the support of experienced personnel in the journalism field. The hope is that the journalistic products it produces have met the expectations and principles stated in the Journalistic Code of Ethics (KEJ).

As an online media, channel9.id will certainly be able to reach wider public spaces at any time. That is why, channel9.id needs control, both from the technical side of journalism and normative regulations.

Of course, the speed, accuracy and convenience of readers are channel9.id's priorities to create an authoritative and responsible press. That is why channel9.id will really carry out a strict selection for all channel content and its editorial crew.

To make it happen, channel9.id strictly prohibits every employee from being actively involved in political activities as regulated in the PT. CYBER NINE CHANNEL Employees are prohibited from engaging in active or passive political activities in the environment or outside the company environment during working hours and or hours or outside working hours and / or working hours using the facilities and / or assets and / or company names that could harm the company.

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