The Assembly of God Ebenézer, under the leadership of Pastor Carlos Hansen Valardan, is a non-profit religious organization. It was founded on April 14, 2008, and is linked and affiliated with CONFRADERJ (Fraternal Convention of the Assemblies of God of the State of Rio de Janeiro), a body legitimately linked to the General Convention of the Assemblies of God in Brazil (CGADB). It is also linked to the Convention of the American Assemblies of God (South New England District of Assemblies of God). In 2010, we had the presence of Pastor Timóteo Ramos de Oliveira, President of CONFREDERJ, consolidating the Alliance with this Ministry (ADDE ). Born in Petrópolis, RJ, Pastor Carlos is married to Missionary Helen Valardan, who is from Portugal, and the parents of 2 children, Jonathan and Samuel.
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