Combination of four APPs which Convert any School in Smart School in Seconds. Teacher, Parents and Administrators along with Students may Remain Connected using our APP.
Notifications, Home Work, Circulars, Student Profile, Academic Calendar Attendance Details, Subjects, Student Specific Transport Detail, Bus Location, School Timing, Photo Gallery, Student Achievement and Complaints, Class Discussion, Class Mates and even Parent can Ask their queries from the School.
Exclusive Design and Modules which are not available in most of the APPs.
Notifications, Home Work, Circulars, Student Profile, Academic Calendar Attendance Details, Subjects, Student Specific Transport Detail, Bus Location, School Timing, Photo Gallery, Student Achievement and Complaints, Class Discussion, Class Mates and even Parent can Ask their queries from the School.
Exclusive Design and Modules which are not available in most of the APPs.
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