Fixed Reader is an App which is used to capture the information of all the devices which are involved in the Fixed Reader Setup on site. This will capture the flow through which the fixed reader installation will be done on the site. This includes various stages in which the work is to be completed.
To use this application, users require user id and password which is provided by CRIS.
There are three types of login: Vendor, Consignee, CRIS.
When the vendor logs in, 3 options will be shown: Add New Component, Dispatch Components on Site and Stages of Execution.
Add New Component option will allow the vendor to add the details of all the components which are getting installed: UPS, TPD, Fixed Reader, Antenna etc.
Dispatch Components on Site option will allow the vendor to dispatch the required components on the respective site.
Stages of Execution option will show the stages of how the vendor will execute the work. As the user enters the site id, the stages will be shown. If any of the stages is active, it will be shown with BLUE color. If completed, it will be shown with PINK color. If pending, it will be shown with BLACK color.
Feedback option is also present in the Side Menu for the user if he/she wants to provide feedback at any step during the entire process.
When the consignee logs in, the Stages of Execution- Consignee will be shown which will display the stages in which the user needs to complete the work. It is quite the same as the Vendor’s but in Consignee login, only stages related to consignee will be shown.
Feedback option is also present in the Side Menu for the user if he/she wants to provide feedback at any step during the entire process.
When the CRIS user logs in, the Stages of Execution- CRIS will be shown which will display the stages in which the user needs to complete the work. It is quite the same as the Vendor’s but in CRISlogin, only stages related to CRISwill be shown.
● Add New Component
● Stages of Execution
● Dispatch Components on Site.
● Feedback
To use this application, users require user id and password which is provided by CRIS.
There are three types of login: Vendor, Consignee, CRIS.
When the vendor logs in, 3 options will be shown: Add New Component, Dispatch Components on Site and Stages of Execution.
Add New Component option will allow the vendor to add the details of all the components which are getting installed: UPS, TPD, Fixed Reader, Antenna etc.
Dispatch Components on Site option will allow the vendor to dispatch the required components on the respective site.
Stages of Execution option will show the stages of how the vendor will execute the work. As the user enters the site id, the stages will be shown. If any of the stages is active, it will be shown with BLUE color. If completed, it will be shown with PINK color. If pending, it will be shown with BLACK color.
Feedback option is also present in the Side Menu for the user if he/she wants to provide feedback at any step during the entire process.
When the consignee logs in, the Stages of Execution- Consignee will be shown which will display the stages in which the user needs to complete the work. It is quite the same as the Vendor’s but in Consignee login, only stages related to consignee will be shown.
Feedback option is also present in the Side Menu for the user if he/she wants to provide feedback at any step during the entire process.
When the CRIS user logs in, the Stages of Execution- CRIS will be shown which will display the stages in which the user needs to complete the work. It is quite the same as the Vendor’s but in CRISlogin, only stages related to CRISwill be shown.
● Add New Component
● Stages of Execution
● Dispatch Components on Site.
● Feedback
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