Asteroid Tracker is an app which helps you to search NEO (Near Earth Objects) like Asteroids, Comets, Meteoroids and Solar Orbiting Spacecrafts which are approaching towards Earth or may have approached in past.
Data is fetched from NASA NeoWs API -
You can search Asteroids by - Date range or by NEO Reference ID.
In Search By Date section you can search from 12th December 1899 to 31st December 2200.
Settings have preference regarding language, date formats and units.
If you like the app don't forget to rate it. Reviews are most welcomed.
In case you encounter any error, please report it on
Also contact on above email if you need new features regarding NEO.
Upcoming features -
Sorting as per preference,
Push Notification for Asteroid close to Earth.
Data is fetched from NASA NeoWs API -
You can search Asteroids by - Date range or by NEO Reference ID.
In Search By Date section you can search from 12th December 1899 to 31st December 2200.
Settings have preference regarding language, date formats and units.
If you like the app don't forget to rate it. Reviews are most welcomed.
In case you encounter any error, please report it on
Also contact on above email if you need new features regarding NEO.
Upcoming features -
Sorting as per preference,
Push Notification for Asteroid close to Earth.
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