Ayurveda is a Hindu system of medicine with historical roots in the Indian subcontinent. Globalized and modernized practices derived from Ayurveda traditions are a type of alternative medicine.
Ayurved based on the belief that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body, and spirit. Its main goal is to promote good health, not fight disease. But treatments may be geared toward specific health problems.
Ayurveda is the best way to heal your daily life health problems. App contains several ayurvedic therapy, tips, treatment and medicine in hindi.You will find a solution to almost everything in this app. With the increased stress and pollution, make sure your health, Gharelu Beauty tips is taken care of from head to toe. These easy to follow Ayurvedic remedies in hindi hold the age old secrets of Indian medicine that can treat almost all the ailments.
Our App Ayurved for DailyLife is giving you more relevant way to stay healthy giving you more healthy lifestyle. Good nutrition, daily exercise and adequate sleep are the foundations of healthy living. A healthy lifestyle keeps you fit, energetic and at reduced risk for disease. So Our App Ayurvedic Upchar is giving so the healthy information and healthy recipes.
App contains
Gharelu Beauty tips,
एलर्जी (Allergy),
मोतियाबिंद- केटेरेक्ट (Cataract),
सर्दी और कफ (Cough And Cold),
दमा (Asthma),
मधुमेह (Diabetes),
वायरल बुखार (Viral Fever),
खसरा (Measles),
बदहज़मी (Gastric Problem)
गठिया (Gout),
पीला बुखार (Yellow Fever),
फाइलेरिया (Elephantiasis),
अपच (Indigestion)
घुटनों का दर्द (Knee Pain),
कुष्ठरोग (Leprosy),
अग्नाशयशोथ (Pancreatitis),
जापानी इन्सेफेलाइटिस (Japanese Encephalitis),
माइग्रेन (Migraine),
निमोनिया (Pneumonia),
एनोरेक्सिया (Anorexia)
दर्द (Pain),
अनिद्रा (Insomnia),
डिमेंशिया (Dementia),
टाइफाइड (Typhoid),
जूँ (Lice),
कब्ज (Constipation),
उच्च रक्तचाप (High Blood Pressure),
दांत का दर्द (Toothache)
डेंगू (Dengue), मलेरिया (Malaria),
छींकना (Sneezing),
हाइपोथाइराइड (Hypothyroid),
ऑस्टियोपोरोसिस (Osteoporosis),
ब्रेस्ट कैंसर (Breast Cancer),
सिरदर्द (Headache),
ब्रोंकाइटिस (Bronchitis)
Ayurved based on the belief that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body, and spirit. Its main goal is to promote good health, not fight disease. But treatments may be geared toward specific health problems.
Ayurveda is the best way to heal your daily life health problems. App contains several ayurvedic therapy, tips, treatment and medicine in hindi.You will find a solution to almost everything in this app. With the increased stress and pollution, make sure your health, Gharelu Beauty tips is taken care of from head to toe. These easy to follow Ayurvedic remedies in hindi hold the age old secrets of Indian medicine that can treat almost all the ailments.
Our App Ayurved for DailyLife is giving you more relevant way to stay healthy giving you more healthy lifestyle. Good nutrition, daily exercise and adequate sleep are the foundations of healthy living. A healthy lifestyle keeps you fit, energetic and at reduced risk for disease. So Our App Ayurvedic Upchar is giving so the healthy information and healthy recipes.
App contains
Gharelu Beauty tips,
एलर्जी (Allergy),
मोतियाबिंद- केटेरेक्ट (Cataract),
सर्दी और कफ (Cough And Cold),
दमा (Asthma),
मधुमेह (Diabetes),
वायरल बुखार (Viral Fever),
खसरा (Measles),
बदहज़मी (Gastric Problem)
गठिया (Gout),
पीला बुखार (Yellow Fever),
फाइलेरिया (Elephantiasis),
अपच (Indigestion)
घुटनों का दर्द (Knee Pain),
कुष्ठरोग (Leprosy),
अग्नाशयशोथ (Pancreatitis),
जापानी इन्सेफेलाइटिस (Japanese Encephalitis),
माइग्रेन (Migraine),
निमोनिया (Pneumonia),
एनोरेक्सिया (Anorexia)
दर्द (Pain),
अनिद्रा (Insomnia),
डिमेंशिया (Dementia),
टाइफाइड (Typhoid),
जूँ (Lice),
कब्ज (Constipation),
उच्च रक्तचाप (High Blood Pressure),
दांत का दर्द (Toothache)
डेंगू (Dengue), मलेरिया (Malaria),
छींकना (Sneezing),
हाइपोथाइराइड (Hypothyroid),
ऑस्टियोपोरोसिस (Osteoporosis),
ब्रेस्ट कैंसर (Breast Cancer),
सिरदर्द (Headache),
ब्रोंकाइटिस (Bronchitis)
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