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Oliveboard SSC Exam Prep App

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About Oliveboard SSC Exam Prep App

Prepare for SSC CGL, SSC CHSL Tier 1 & Tier 2 Exams with Oliveboard’s Exam preparation App. Get latest pattern mock tests, live classes, study notes and more.

Looking for SSC CGL / SSC CHSL Post? Get the Oliveboard SSC CGL / SSC CHSL app now to get a step closer to getting your dream job with 2000+ Live Classes, 600+ Mock Tests, study notes and more for SSC CGL, CHSL Exams.

Oliveboard is the first choice of exam toppers. Download Now to start your government exam preparation.

SSC CGL, CHSL Selection Process:

SSC CGL/ SSC CHSL Tier 1 Exam:
General Intelligence and Reasoning
General Awareness
Quantitative Aptitude
English Comprehension

Mathematical Abilities
Reasoning and General Intelligence
English Language and Comprehension
General Awareness
Computer Knowledge Test
Data Entry Speed Test

Oliveboard users reported an average increment of 16 marks after taking 8-9 mock tests on the platform. What are you waiting for? Join now to improve your scores and crack government exams.

Top Features of Oliveboard app for SSC CGL / SSC CHSL Exam Preparation

Live Classes & Videos: Get 2000+ plus hours of live online classes taught by expert teachers that will help you boost your exam scores and help you secure your dream job.

150+ Mock Tests (Hindi & English): Catering to the needs of students, Oliveboard provides latest pattern SSC CGL Tier 1 & Tier 2 mock tests, get All India rank, AI-based performance analysis of your tests, know strong and weak areas, and compare your scores with Toppers. Get the best test prep app for practising SSC CGL mock tests.

50+ CHSL Mock Tests (Hindi & English): Oliveboard provides latest pattern SSC CHSL Tier 1 & Tier 2 mock tests,

Topic Tests, Sectional Tests, GK tests: Attempt various syllabus-based topic tests, sectional tests, and GK tests to improve your section-wise scores in the real exam.

Concept Videos: Learn different concepts in the form of videos for easy grasping and retention.

AI-Based Performance Analysis: Our AI-based performance analysis engine gives you detailed feedback on your performance so that you can improve your scores.

Free Study Notes: We have a repository of study notes based on the exam syllabus-based topics that can be downloaded for free.

Current Affairs: Get the best dose of current affairs and GK from Oliveboard Bolt, daily GK quiz and GK cards.

Flash Cards: Learn and memorise vocabulary with flashcards. It provides better memory retention for the aspirants.

SSC Typing Tests: Practice and Clear SSC CGL Tier 2 & SSC CHSL Tier 2 Exam comprehensively.

SSC CGL Previous Year Papers with Solutions: Access solved previous year question papers and attempt tests based on them to get the best preparation for the exam.

Discuss Forum: Oliveboard provides Discuss, a unique forum where aspirants share their doubts and connect with fellow aspirants.

Weekly All India Live Tests: Attempt All India level SSC CGL, CHSL Tier 1 and Tier 2 live tests for free to know your proficiency level.

Subjects / Topics Covered

Quantitative Aptitude: Profit & Loss, SI & CI, Trigonometry, Simplification, Arithmetic Topics
DI: Bar Graphs, Pie Charts, Data Sufficiency, Measures of Central Tendency
Reasoning: Puzzles, Number Series, Seating arrangements, Inequality, Blood Relation, Coding-Decoding
English: Synonym Antonyms, Error Spotting, Fillers
GK & Current Affairs: Static GK & Computer Awareness, Monthly Current Affairs.
General Science: Physics, Chemistry, Biology
Polity: Indian Constitution, Amendments, Articles, etc.
Get your dream job with Oliveboard. Download the App Now

Disclaimer: Oliveboard does not represent or is not affiliated with any Government Agency or Institution.
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