ACE Tutorials is India's No. 1 CS Coaching Institute which specializes in teaching for Company Secretary Courses. It has grown from a small batch of 11 students in year 2007 and Now ACE Tutorial has 5000+ students at present. ACE Tutorials was started by Prof. Naresh Shroff who has a teaching experience of more than 15 years.
This is Online Exam App for Ace Tutorials which has lots of awesome features which are given below:
Easy Registration
Student can get registered themselves and can login anytime to take exams.
Brief Statistics
Student can see how many exams taken, dropped and finished by them.
Upcoming Exams
Dashboard will show you upcoming exams list which contains New Exams, Scheduled Exams, Dropped Exams (which student can continue from dropped)
Attempt Exam
Student can take exam anytime, anywhere from his/her app. Student can flag any questions which he want to mark, also he/she can navigate to any questions from exam.
Exam Result Summary
Student can see his/her exam result summary which will show you Result (Pass/Fail), Obtained Score, PIE CHART to know attempted/not attempted, correct and incorrect no. of questions.
Review Exam
Student can review their answers later after exam finished and get result.
Test Maker
Student can create Test by selecting Course automatically and take exam by themselves.
This is Online Exam App for Ace Tutorials which has lots of awesome features which are given below:
Easy Registration
Student can get registered themselves and can login anytime to take exams.
Brief Statistics
Student can see how many exams taken, dropped and finished by them.
Upcoming Exams
Dashboard will show you upcoming exams list which contains New Exams, Scheduled Exams, Dropped Exams (which student can continue from dropped)
Attempt Exam
Student can take exam anytime, anywhere from his/her app. Student can flag any questions which he want to mark, also he/she can navigate to any questions from exam.
Exam Result Summary
Student can see his/her exam result summary which will show you Result (Pass/Fail), Obtained Score, PIE CHART to know attempted/not attempted, correct and incorrect no. of questions.
Review Exam
Student can review their answers later after exam finished and get result.
Test Maker
Student can create Test by selecting Course automatically and take exam by themselves.
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