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Digital Rupee by IndusInd Bank

IndusInd Bank Ltd.
10,000+ downloads

About Digital Rupee by IndusInd Bank

Digital Rupee (e₹) is the latest form of sovereign currency launched by RBI, which serves as a legal tender for financial transactions within India. With Digital Rupee (e₹), you can execute the following:

- Make payments to selected merchants
- Purchase desired goods & services, and
- Send money to loved ones.

The IndusInd Bank Digital Rupee App would be your e₹ wallet through which you can undertake faster, smoother and more secure digital currency transactions for the above-mentioned purposes.

Digital Rupee (e₹) is freely convertible with cash currency, and you can load Digital Rupee in the IndusInd Bank Digital Rupee App at a par value, and redeem it back into your linked Bank account with ease & convenience.

Join the RBI Digital Rupee (e₹) initiative powered by IndusInd Bank along with RBI, and play a pivotal role in taking ahead the Digital Revolution in India

Digital Rupee by IndusInd Bank Screenshots