Team App is a subscription based service, which allows an employee to handle many job-related tasks that otherwise would have fallen to management or administrative staff. They eliminate paperwork and unnecessary phone calls back and forth to HR, whilst drastically reducing costs. With minimal training, employees can access personnel information anytime, enabling HR and Payroll to be more efficient and productive with their time.
It enables employees to submit their personal details, apply travel bookings, log their own project time, mark attendance, check work schedules, request vendor payments and request leaves and do a whole host of other actions. Key Features include:
Core HR functions
- On boarding Process Compliance
- Collect and update KYE information
- Integrated Employee Document Management
- Capture all employee data
- Manage lifecycle activities
- Search employee data
- Track employee assets
- Review Workflow
- Add or Edit Employee Master Data
- Reset lockout accounts, password for one, all & new employees
- Approve / activate / deactivate personal details
Employee Communication
- Reminders and Alerts
- Manage employee communication
- Send reminders and alerts
- Use notification templates
- Update and publish company policies and forms
- HR MIS Reports and Dashboards
Payroll processing
- Compensation
- Compute salaries
- Salary related Reimbursements processing
- Automate reimbursements, loans and advances
- Process payroll with automated payroll inputs
- Generate and distribute customized payslips
- Payroll statement/ salary register/ wage register
- Payroll database administration
- Full and Final pay processing
- MIS reports
Attendance & Leave
- Shift Definition and Rostering
- Company’s holiday list
- Grant leaves automatically
- Automate leave lapsing, carry-forward and encashment
- Access leave reports
- View real-time attendance info
- Real-time time-sheet reports
- Real-time resource monitoring on maps
- Regularize attendance
- ALT Reports combining Attendance, leaves & timesheets
Travel & Expense
- Travel Plans
- Multiple People Trip
- Bookings & vendor payments
- Advance Workflows
- Claim Workflows
- Claim Processing
- Local Conveyance
Projects & Timesheet
- Cost and Time Estimation
- Tracks Projects
- Generates Real-time Reports
- Timesheet Tracking
- Task Management
- Shadow Resource Management
- Budget, Cost & Billing
- Resource Utilization Report
- Release Resource Workflow
Help Desk linkages from ESS
- IT Help Desk
- Admin Help Desk
- Recruitment needs
- Accounts Help Desk
- HR Help Desk
MIS, reporting & Compliance formats
- Cohesive and organized performance appraisal
- Company specific and Compliance reporting
- Month-end, Quarter-end & Year-end activities
TeamApp can assist you to:
• Save time & reduce costs by placing employee & HR information in the hands of the employee
• Enable individual employees to access real-time information on their rosters/schedules, holiday/vacation balances and so on
• Streamline HR and Payroll processes by reducing the number of calls received from employees
• Allow employees to view absence figures including, type, category and duration of absence
• Cut down on administration time by giving your employees ‘self-service’ access to holiday requests
• Increase the efficiency of Human Resources, Payroll and Operations staff due to reduced queries from employees
• Present employee time, attendance, schedule and absence information clearly and immediately understandable
Customised solutions as per the client needs are also available for start-ups, companies and corporates
It enables employees to submit their personal details, apply travel bookings, log their own project time, mark attendance, check work schedules, request vendor payments and request leaves and do a whole host of other actions. Key Features include:
Core HR functions
- On boarding Process Compliance
- Collect and update KYE information
- Integrated Employee Document Management
- Capture all employee data
- Manage lifecycle activities
- Search employee data
- Track employee assets
- Review Workflow
- Add or Edit Employee Master Data
- Reset lockout accounts, password for one, all & new employees
- Approve / activate / deactivate personal details
Employee Communication
- Reminders and Alerts
- Manage employee communication
- Send reminders and alerts
- Use notification templates
- Update and publish company policies and forms
- HR MIS Reports and Dashboards
Payroll processing
- Compensation
- Compute salaries
- Salary related Reimbursements processing
- Automate reimbursements, loans and advances
- Process payroll with automated payroll inputs
- Generate and distribute customized payslips
- Payroll statement/ salary register/ wage register
- Payroll database administration
- Full and Final pay processing
- MIS reports
Attendance & Leave
- Shift Definition and Rostering
- Company’s holiday list
- Grant leaves automatically
- Automate leave lapsing, carry-forward and encashment
- Access leave reports
- View real-time attendance info
- Real-time time-sheet reports
- Real-time resource monitoring on maps
- Regularize attendance
- ALT Reports combining Attendance, leaves & timesheets
Travel & Expense
- Travel Plans
- Multiple People Trip
- Bookings & vendor payments
- Advance Workflows
- Claim Workflows
- Claim Processing
- Local Conveyance
Projects & Timesheet
- Cost and Time Estimation
- Tracks Projects
- Generates Real-time Reports
- Timesheet Tracking
- Task Management
- Shadow Resource Management
- Budget, Cost & Billing
- Resource Utilization Report
- Release Resource Workflow
Help Desk linkages from ESS
- IT Help Desk
- Admin Help Desk
- Recruitment needs
- Accounts Help Desk
- HR Help Desk
MIS, reporting & Compliance formats
- Cohesive and organized performance appraisal
- Company specific and Compliance reporting
- Month-end, Quarter-end & Year-end activities
TeamApp can assist you to:
• Save time & reduce costs by placing employee & HR information in the hands of the employee
• Enable individual employees to access real-time information on their rosters/schedules, holiday/vacation balances and so on
• Streamline HR and Payroll processes by reducing the number of calls received from employees
• Allow employees to view absence figures including, type, category and duration of absence
• Cut down on administration time by giving your employees ‘self-service’ access to holiday requests
• Increase the efficiency of Human Resources, Payroll and Operations staff due to reduced queries from employees
• Present employee time, attendance, schedule and absence information clearly and immediately understandable
Customised solutions as per the client needs are also available for start-ups, companies and corporates
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