Our aim is to provide a one stop solution for clearing FMGE exams with ease. Practice is what makes us perfect and especially for competitive exams like FMGE it is a must. With this we, team “EXCEL FMGE” have come up with this unique application keeping in trend with latest exam pattern and exam model (CBT – computer based testing). We strongly believe that focussed learning is what will be the key for success and our test series is designed in such a way that once the students solves the questions and read the explanation, he/ she should be exam ready.
This test series (Individual subjects/ Grand tests) is designed in such a way that a student should be able to complete what is required for exams in a span 6 months’ time (FMGE exams are conducted twice a year in June and December)
FEATURES of test series:
- Individual subject wise test (19 subjects)
- Grand tests (3 tests)
- MCQ of the day
- High yield topics list in each subject
- Upcoming exam notifications
- Instant analysis immediately upon completion of each test
Download this app today and feel the difference. Wishing you all success.
Our aim is to provide a one stop solution for clearing FMGE exams with ease. Practice is what makes us perfect and especially for competitive exams like FMGE it is a must. With this we, team “EXCEL FMGE” have come up with this unique application keeping in trend with latest exam pattern and exam model (CBT – computer based testing). We strongly believe that focussed learning is what will be the key for success and our test series is designed in such a way that once the students solves the questions and read the explanation, he/ she should be exam ready.
This test series (Individual subjects/ Grand tests) is designed in such a way that a student should be able to complete what is required for exams in a span 6 months’ time (FMGE exams are conducted twice a year in June and December)
FEATURES of test series:
- Individual subject wise test (19 subjects)
- Grand tests (3 tests)
- MCQ of the day
- High yield topics list in each subject
- Upcoming exam notifications
- Instant analysis immediately upon completion of each test
Download this app today and feel the difference. Wishing you all success.
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