☞ 5 pillars of Islam (Only 10 minutes reading)
☞ Five Pillars of Islam
☞ A divine package of noble acts that supports a life of Truth, Good deeds and peace.
☞ Islam is truth.
☞ Worship Islam.
☞ "I have not created the jinn and mankind except to worship Me." [51:56]
☞ Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, Islam is built upon five pillars:
1. The Testimony of Faith (Shahadah)
2. Establishing regular Prayer (Salah)
3. Paying obligatory Charity (Zakah)
4. Fasting in Ramadan (Sawm), and
5. Performing the Pilgrimage (Hajj). [Muslim]
☞ "I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the (final) Messenger of Allah."
☞ Prayer (Salah): Prayer is obligatory on the Believers at prescribed times." [4:103]
☞ "Prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds." [29:45]
☞ Prayer is a direct personal link with Allah.
☞ "Whoever affirm the shahadah with sincerity enters Paradise." [Bukhari]
☞ Every prayer is a reminder of our accountability before Allah on the Day of Judgment.
☞ Private conservation with Allah.
☞ "Establish prayer for My remembrance." [20:14]
☞ "Truly, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find peace." [13:28]
☞ "Those who establish regular Prayer and give charity ... they will prosper." [31:4-5]
☞ "O Believers! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed to those before you so that you may (learn) Taqwa." [2:183]
☞ "Whoever did not give up lying and practicing falsehood, Allah is in no need of his giving up food and drink (that is, his fasting)." [Bukhari]
☞ Ramadan: Month of The Qur'an.
☞ "A Pilgrimage to the Ka'bah is a duty men owe to Allah..." [3:97]
☞ Day of Judgment.
☞ Annual General Assembly.
☞ Hajj, demonstrates Islam's universal call.
☞ Nobel acts of worship.
☞ Truth, Good Deeds and Peace.
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☞ 5 pillars of Islam (Only 10 minutes reading)
☞ Five Pillars of Islam
☞ A divine package of noble acts that supports a life of Truth, Good deeds and peace.
☞ Islam is truth.
☞ Worship Islam.
☞ "I have not created the jinn and mankind except to worship Me." [51:56]
☞ Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, Islam is built upon five pillars:
1. The Testimony of Faith (Shahadah)
2. Establishing regular Prayer (Salah)
3. Paying obligatory Charity (Zakah)
4. Fasting in Ramadan (Sawm), and
5. Performing the Pilgrimage (Hajj). [Muslim]
☞ "I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the (final) Messenger of Allah."
☞ Prayer (Salah): Prayer is obligatory on the Believers at prescribed times." [4:103]
☞ "Prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds." [29:45]
☞ Prayer is a direct personal link with Allah.
☞ "Whoever affirm the shahadah with sincerity enters Paradise." [Bukhari]
☞ Every prayer is a reminder of our accountability before Allah on the Day of Judgment.
☞ Private conservation with Allah.
☞ "Establish prayer for My remembrance." [20:14]
☞ "Truly, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find peace." [13:28]
☞ "Those who establish regular Prayer and give charity ... they will prosper." [31:4-5]
☞ "O Believers! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed to those before you so that you may (learn) Taqwa." [2:183]
☞ "Whoever did not give up lying and practicing falsehood, Allah is in no need of his giving up food and drink (that is, his fasting)." [Bukhari]
☞ Ramadan: Month of The Qur'an.
☞ "A Pilgrimage to the Ka'bah is a duty men owe to Allah..." [3:97]
☞ Day of Judgment.
☞ Annual General Assembly.
☞ Hajj, demonstrates Islam's universal call.
☞ Nobel acts of worship.
☞ Truth, Good Deeds and Peace.
☞ Please install and rate this application.
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