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ZUS Grmeč

Nenad Butulija
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About ZUS Grmeč

Heritage Association Sanjana - Grmeč is non-partisan, non-governmental, non-profit association, established to achieve the objectives in the field of preservation of cultural and historical heritage, and protection of the rights and interests of citizens grmečkog end, which is financed by contributions of donors and their members, as well as the legal proceeds of their activities .
 Vision Association is a modern, culturally and economically prosperous society which is based on the principles of justice, equality, tolerance and mutual respect. Every member of society is an active citizen involved in the development and advancement of the community.
 Profit from its program activities the Association will be used to meet the goals established by statute. Any direct or indirect acquisition profits or other tangible benefits gained from the activities of the Association shall be distributed to any member of the founder members of the Association, members of the governing bodies, responsible persons, employees, donors or third parties.

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