Neonatology is a rapidly emerging field especially in India. It is the youngest branch of medicine with almost everything based on evidence based medicine. “Intact survival of
premature babies” should be every neonatologist’s goal. To achieve this, one has to focus on reducing birth asphyxia - need to ensure good growth which includes brain growth among others - which will have better neurological outcome - avoid EUGR and so on... The most important outcome for anyone including parents is the normal neonatal neurological outcome (Intact survival) - to help us achieve this - we have co-created this conference with the main focus being neonatal neurology - hence we have workshops on neonatal ultrasound, hypothermia workshops to train people to treat unavoidable birth asphyxia, simulation workshops to give the “realistic feeling and see how we can avoid / reduce human factors for better outcomes” and most important how to assess the newborn neurology from the development perspective - all based on evidence based medicine (EBM) - from every expert in the country and around the world - and we look forward to making this wonderful conference a great success with your participation.
premature babies” should be every neonatologist’s goal. To achieve this, one has to focus on reducing birth asphyxia - need to ensure good growth which includes brain growth among others - which will have better neurological outcome - avoid EUGR and so on... The most important outcome for anyone including parents is the normal neonatal neurological outcome (Intact survival) - to help us achieve this - we have co-created this conference with the main focus being neonatal neurology - hence we have workshops on neonatal ultrasound, hypothermia workshops to train people to treat unavoidable birth asphyxia, simulation workshops to give the “realistic feeling and see how we can avoid / reduce human factors for better outcomes” and most important how to assess the newborn neurology from the development perspective - all based on evidence based medicine (EBM) - from every expert in the country and around the world - and we look forward to making this wonderful conference a great success with your participation.
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