Hong Kong banks exchange rate icon

Hong Kong banks exchange rate

EC App Studio
10,000+ downloads

About Hong Kong banks exchange rate

Hong Kong major Bank / Ex Change store's rates

Simple and easy to use.
Select individual banks/exchange store/currencies to view.
Automatically sort from low to high.
Rate calculator.



Visa / Master Card and Union Pay Included.
19 major Hong Kong banks.
4 foreign currency exchange shops.
48 foreign currency latest cash and wire exchange rates.
Choose your interested currency and bank to display.
1 Month/ 3 Month/ 1 Year/ 3Year history charts.

***All exchange rates are from official websites of Hong Kong major banks and exchange shops.

。包括VISA / Master卡 及 銀聯卡
。1個月/ 3個月/ 1年/ 3年曆史圖表


Hong Kong banks exchange rate Screenshots