Want to take a walk in Haute-Loire? Discover the Rando en Haute-Loire app, with more than 300 hikes marked and guaranteed by the FFRandonnée Comité Haute-Loire.
Download the hiking trails
Consult and download free hiking sheets with the route, points of interest and their photos.
Real time navigation
Embark on the itinerary and navigate directly with the GPS of your mobile even offline!
Along your hike, you will be shown:
Points of interest with natural or built heritage,
Thematic texts and photos to illustrate these elements,
Accommodation and restaurants,
Other useful services.
Choose the route that suits you
All day hikes (PR), over several days (GR) and interpretation trails in Haute-Loire are presented using a general map.
The hiker can choose his hike according to the duration, the difficulty or a theme.
The hike is downloadable to be accessible offline.
Download the hiking trails
Consult and download free hiking sheets with the route, points of interest and their photos.
Real time navigation
Embark on the itinerary and navigate directly with the GPS of your mobile even offline!
Along your hike, you will be shown:
Points of interest with natural or built heritage,
Thematic texts and photos to illustrate these elements,
Accommodation and restaurants,
Other useful services.
Choose the route that suits you
All day hikes (PR), over several days (GR) and interpretation trails in Haute-Loire are presented using a general map.
The hiker can choose his hike according to the duration, the difficulty or a theme.
The hike is downloadable to be accessible offline.
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