Ab Urbe Condita icon

Ab Urbe Condita

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About Ab Urbe Condita

This app will let you cross check the date on the average Gregorian Calendar most everyone uses with the date on the ab urbe condita (Classical orthography: ABVRBECONDITÁ; Latin pronunciation: [ab ˈʊrbɛ ˈkɔndɪtaː]; related to anno urbis conditae; A. U. C., AUC, a.u.c.; also "anno urbis", short a.u.). It is a Latin phrase meaning "from the founding of the City (Rome)", traditionally dated to 753 BC.

Features include the ability to add events, syncing with other calendars and the ability to add the weather, among others.

The layout from top to bottom is an ad banner on top, the Gregorian Calendar with event planning and then the Ab Urbe Condita conversion along the bottom.

Ab Urbe Condita Screenshots