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Gujarati Garba

KrishOm Technology
1,000+ downloads

About Gujarati Garba

Navaratri (Sanskrit: नवरात्रि, literally "nine nights"), also spelled Navratri or Navarathri, is a nine nights (and ten days) Hindu festival, celebrated in the autumn every year. It is observed for different reasons and celebrated differently in various parts of the Indian subcontinent.

There are four seasonal Navratri. However, in practice, it is the post-monsoon autumn festival called Sharada Navratri that is the most observed in the honor of the divine feminine Devi (Durga).

The festival is celebrated in the bright half of the Hindu calendar month Ashvin, which typically falls in the Gregorian months of September and October.

During Navratri festival you will need Aarti and Garba, we have given it in this application, you can read it with is lyrics of the Aarti and Garba.

🕭 Search function included in the list of garba
🕭 User Friendly Interface and innovative.
🕭 Very Light Weighted Application
🕭 No Internet Connection required
🕭 Use as offline application anywhere
🕭 Readable content

The contents of the Garba Lyrics application, including text and other material are for informational/entertainment/fun purposes only.

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If any App, website or individual claim copyright of any content or other material included in this app then you can contact us, if we verify your claim is genuine and we did mistake then we’ll remove the content or material immediately.

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