- Nunu Driver is a separate application for Nunu's tea delivery partner drivers, allowing drivers to directly market to stores wishing to receive tea and increase income from there. The application also integrates maps to support navigation and navigation, helping drivers easily manage their stores and deliver goods quickly.
- With Nunu Driver, drivers can easily view orders and stores that they go to market; can track the monthly sales & income you earn quickly and easily. In addition, the application also helps drivers quickly update notifications about orders to be delivered and information from the company.
- Main specific features of the application:
+ Map display: navigate & track and manage stores by status
+ Display store details & order information for that store
+ Add stores that I market
+ Create marketing orders for stores
+ View the historical list of delivered orders
+ View statistics (stores, revenue & income, delivered orders/cancelled orders)
Update notifications quickly
- With Nunu Driver, drivers can easily view orders and stores that they go to market; can track the monthly sales & income you earn quickly and easily. In addition, the application also helps drivers quickly update notifications about orders to be delivered and information from the company.
- Main specific features of the application:
+ Map display: navigate & track and manage stores by status
+ Display store details & order information for that store
+ Add stores that I market
+ Create marketing orders for stores
+ View the historical list of delivered orders
+ View statistics (stores, revenue & income, delivered orders/cancelled orders)
Update notifications quickly
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