This program allows you to create each new trip and apply each and every one of the expenses you incur to, at the end, settle the travel expenses that will be requested from the company to be reimbursed or to return any advance that has been made. You can also find the exact location, on the main screen there is a world where you can click the program to find your location.
Procedure to viaticate:
Before proceeding to create per diem you must create the User Data, this data is not shared or leaves your application.
1.User Data:
1.1 Username: Enter your name
1.2.E-Mail User: Enter the email you use with your company
1.3 Document: Write your identification document number
1.4.Charge: The name of the position he occupies in the company
1.5 Company: Enter the name of the company where you work
1.6.E-Mail Company: Write the email where you send
1.7.Currency: Press the Search for Currency button and choose the one you manage in your country or with which the company operates
1.8.Take Photo: If you press this button, you can directly take a photo with your cell phone
1.9.Photo: You can upload a photo from your list of photos (Search Photo) It is not mandatory
Finally you must press the Save button so that everything is saved on your cell phone, very important, whenever you finish entering information, press the Record or Save button where you are.
2. Create a new Trip, enter the Trip button
2.1.Detail of the trip: You must write in a few words the detail of the trip so that you remember it later, each time you make a new trip, you must type a different detail.
2.2.Date of the trip: If you press the Date of the trip, the calendar will appear and it will be located on the current date, you can change it or choose another, then you must press the OK button
2.3.Date of return: You must also choose, by pressing this button, the date on which the trip will end, it can be the same date of the trip if it is a single day.
At the end of entering the trip, you must press the Save button. Please note that all three details are mandatory.
2.4. On this screen, the list of all the trips you have made will always appear and you can choose who you want to operate. When choosing the trip, the Movements button will appear that you must choose.
2.5.Movements: in this screen you can create each of the expenses or income of the trip in question, the name of the trip will appear above.
2.6 To create a new movement, you must choose the concept from a previously recorded list. If the concept you want doesn't appear in the list, you could go back to the main menu and create all the custom concepts you want.
Among the concepts, there is one called Initial Balance, with this concept you can create the movement when you have been given an advance. The four data (Concept, Value, Detail, Date) are important.
This way you can create each movement that happens without having to wait for the end of the trip.
2.7.Every time you want, to know the balance of the trip, or at the end of the trip, you can press the Travel Allowance button (Movement screen, bottom left) to summarize all the movements and tell you if you owe or owe balance.
Procedure to viaticate:
Before proceeding to create per diem you must create the User Data, this data is not shared or leaves your application.
1.User Data:
1.1 Username: Enter your name
1.2.E-Mail User: Enter the email you use with your company
1.3 Document: Write your identification document number
1.4.Charge: The name of the position he occupies in the company
1.5 Company: Enter the name of the company where you work
1.6.E-Mail Company: Write the email where you send
1.7.Currency: Press the Search for Currency button and choose the one you manage in your country or with which the company operates
1.8.Take Photo: If you press this button, you can directly take a photo with your cell phone
1.9.Photo: You can upload a photo from your list of photos (Search Photo) It is not mandatory
Finally you must press the Save button so that everything is saved on your cell phone, very important, whenever you finish entering information, press the Record or Save button where you are.
2. Create a new Trip, enter the Trip button
2.1.Detail of the trip: You must write in a few words the detail of the trip so that you remember it later, each time you make a new trip, you must type a different detail.
2.2.Date of the trip: If you press the Date of the trip, the calendar will appear and it will be located on the current date, you can change it or choose another, then you must press the OK button
2.3.Date of return: You must also choose, by pressing this button, the date on which the trip will end, it can be the same date of the trip if it is a single day.
At the end of entering the trip, you must press the Save button. Please note that all three details are mandatory.
2.4. On this screen, the list of all the trips you have made will always appear and you can choose who you want to operate. When choosing the trip, the Movements button will appear that you must choose.
2.5.Movements: in this screen you can create each of the expenses or income of the trip in question, the name of the trip will appear above.
2.6 To create a new movement, you must choose the concept from a previously recorded list. If the concept you want doesn't appear in the list, you could go back to the main menu and create all the custom concepts you want.
Among the concepts, there is one called Initial Balance, with this concept you can create the movement when you have been given an advance. The four data (Concept, Value, Detail, Date) are important.
This way you can create each movement that happens without having to wait for the end of the trip.
2.7.Every time you want, to know the balance of the trip, or at the end of the trip, you can press the Travel Allowance button (Movement screen, bottom left) to summarize all the movements and tell you if you owe or owe balance.
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