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About MetroLIVORNOfase1

MetroLIVORNOphase1 is a serious game for health at km 0, cost 0 and impact 0, for residents of the Korea areas,
Shanghai, Bastia Fiorentina and Sources of the City of Livorno


Building in Project s.r.l. he works mainly for public bodies (more than 170 positions from 1997 to today) and is
specialized in procedures for knowing and programming territorial sports systems, in finance courses
project in sport, in the design of contents before the containers and in the project of containers of the
movement to live and live better.

Since 2007 we have been developing the ACTIVE CITY project and the "health education systems" for the
improvement of the health status in the population, because each of us can improve our health status
even only through physical activity, at any time and in any context, in any way they can
keep us in business


In 2007, the World Health Organization (WHO) launched the "1st plan to combat chronic disease or
not transmissible ".
In 2010, WHO published the "global recommendations on physical activity for health".
In Geneva, May 2018, during the WHO 71st World Assembly, the "global plan of
action on physical activity 2018-2030 ".
The new ones were presented in Chicago, November 2018, during the American Heart Association congress
"Guidelines on physical activity for Americans", announced by the slogan "move more sit less".
In Rome. On May 30, 2019, the Ministry of Health presented the "guidelines on physical activity for
different age groups and with reference to physiological and pathophysiological situations and specific subgroups of

From the American guidelines: “After a single episode of physical activity, benefits are already evident
immediate, while in the long run, constant physical activity improves brain health and cognitive status,
reduces the risk of dementia, improves bone health, promotes weight loss, has a protective effect on
against eight types of cancer (bladder, breast, colon, endometrium, esophagus, kidney, lung and stomach),
reduces the risk of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular diseases and related mortality; decreases
also the risk of depression and anxiety; it improves sleep quality and quality of life in general ".


The MetroLIVORNOfase1 application / leaflet is a serious game for health at km 0, cost 0 and impact 0 for all
citizens and consists of 2 projects:
- The MuoviLIVORNOphase1 project, for the physical exercise of fast walking (slow running) on ​​the
urban pedestrian subway in the Korea, Shanghai, Bastia Fiorentina and Sorgenti areas of the City of Livorno;
- the project MOVE MORE SIT DOWN less, to make sessions in motion (of endurance, strength,
balance / flexibility), even just a few minutes, in people's places of life.
The Facebook page "progettoocittaattiva" is linked to both, in which, at 9 am on Monday, Wednesday and
Every week on Friday, Città Attiva publishes short articles on health exercise issues.

MetroLIVORNOfase1 is the result of planning and studies on the techniques of diffusion in the population of physical exercise for health, made by Build in Project Srl and by Eng. Luciano Rizzi (© copyright)
The project was sponsored by Federsanità-ANCI (Association between Healthcare Companies and Municipalities),
FNOMCeO (National Federation of Medical Orders) and F.O.F.I. (Federation of Italian Pharmacist Orders).
BUILD in Project S.r .l.
Via Casali, 18 - 41057 Spilamberto (MO) - tel. 059-785422

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