"NCOnline" is born, "Nuovo Commercio Online", a production and work cooperative, fruit of the meeting between profit and non-profit world, on paths for sharing development models capable of generating social economy, as an antidote to criminal economies. A choice matured over the years, which challenges the overcoming of the cliche that these two worlds are distant for "nature" and believes, instead, that they can meet on "visions" of social responsibility, to generate co-productions of social and community welfare, where man and not the "commodity" is at the center, to create "healthy" and "relational" economy.
The goal is, in fact, to enhance products made by men and women who live "stories of redemption", made in places of "resistance" that did not want to bend to criminal logic, where, therefore, the barycentre of "value and meaning "Is returned" to man ", the man who produces but also the man who buys because he is aware of being a consumer-actor capable of re-orienting the choices and the logic of a market. Buying "NCOnline" products means adhering to a commercial strategy that:
-privileges the direct purchase of the product, without intermediaries, reducing all the critical issues that implies an established system of large retailers;
> favors the direct knowledge of the "soul" of the product, through the creation of applications able to enter the production chain and suitable, therefore, to offer a direct view of the production paths, to shorten the distances between those who produce and who buys, to "familiarize" and not "to spersonify";
> encourages the purchase of products that have been created by supporting job placement paths for individuals with psycho-physical frailty or at risk of socio-environmental marginalization;
> promotes the purchase of "agrifood" products that are grown and processed in Italy, where the raw material is given by organic, sustainable, social agriculture, attentive to the "health" of the earth and of man that refer to the characteristics of the territories , which proposes "cultivars" forgotten by the peasant production and which have given prestige to our "Mediterranean diet";
> to promote the purchase of items that relaunch a model of Economics Ethics, where non-profit cooperatives and profit companies have chosen above all to adopt a Code of Ethics so as to contribute significantly to the sustainable development of our planet and develop a healthy economy for our territory.
FoodWe change,
... NCOnline makes work placement of disadvantaged people;
... NCOnline makes social economy with the soul,
... NCOnline respects People and its Land.
All this YOU CAN DO with you that choose to build with us a new sense of belonging to your "being a citizen" by making a revolution starting from simple daily choices how to decide to spend 1 euro in a fair way favoring those who decided to make choices which entail happy consequences such as allocating a part of the "turnover" NO of profit in the establishment of a Community Foundation that will work to help Citizens in difficulty and Companies in crisis.
The goal is, in fact, to enhance products made by men and women who live "stories of redemption", made in places of "resistance" that did not want to bend to criminal logic, where, therefore, the barycentre of "value and meaning "Is returned" to man ", the man who produces but also the man who buys because he is aware of being a consumer-actor capable of re-orienting the choices and the logic of a market. Buying "NCOnline" products means adhering to a commercial strategy that:
-privileges the direct purchase of the product, without intermediaries, reducing all the critical issues that implies an established system of large retailers;
> favors the direct knowledge of the "soul" of the product, through the creation of applications able to enter the production chain and suitable, therefore, to offer a direct view of the production paths, to shorten the distances between those who produce and who buys, to "familiarize" and not "to spersonify";
> encourages the purchase of products that have been created by supporting job placement paths for individuals with psycho-physical frailty or at risk of socio-environmental marginalization;
> promotes the purchase of "agrifood" products that are grown and processed in Italy, where the raw material is given by organic, sustainable, social agriculture, attentive to the "health" of the earth and of man that refer to the characteristics of the territories , which proposes "cultivars" forgotten by the peasant production and which have given prestige to our "Mediterranean diet";
> to promote the purchase of items that relaunch a model of Economics Ethics, where non-profit cooperatives and profit companies have chosen above all to adopt a Code of Ethics so as to contribute significantly to the sustainable development of our planet and develop a healthy economy for our territory.
FoodWe change,
... NCOnline makes work placement of disadvantaged people;
... NCOnline makes social economy with the soul,
... NCOnline respects People and its Land.
All this YOU CAN DO with you that choose to build with us a new sense of belonging to your "being a citizen" by making a revolution starting from simple daily choices how to decide to spend 1 euro in a fair way favoring those who decided to make choices which entail happy consequences such as allocating a part of the "turnover" NO of profit in the establishment of a Community Foundation that will work to help Citizens in difficulty and Companies in crisis.
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