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iCare Assistant

Lepida S.c.p.A.
50+ downloads

About iCare Assistant

"ICare Assistant" is an app that allows you to experience how the multichannel orientation, access and use can be changed to the health services offered by the Region using Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality and Indoor Navigation.
The prototype was built around the Casa della Salute of Navile (Via Svampa, 8 in Bologna), as part of the AFTER-Futuri Digital Festival (24-27 / 10/2019) organized by the Digital Agenda of the Emilia-Romagna Region.
The Health Houses are the organizational model of social-assistance services that the Emilia-Romagna Region is implementing throughout the territory. A single, close and habitual place where you can be assisted without having to travel around the area and where all the professionals and integrated territorial services of a social and health field are concentrated. Place where both the reception and orientation to the services that the prevention, the continuity of the assistance, the management of chronic pathologies and the completion of the main diagnostic paths that do not require the use of the hospital are realized.
By downloading the iCare Assitant App, from October 26th to November 26th, Festival participants and citizens will be able to enter the future by reliving the story of Sara: mother of three children who lives her experience of access to new digital welfare services .
Citizens will be able to verify in the simulation how with "iCare Assistant" you are guided from home, selecting the language among the available, in the discovery and booking of the services you need. The accompaniment for Sara then continues up to the entrance of the Casa della Salute, where it is recognized and, based on the services it needs and the detection of its physical-health characteristics, it is accompanied with the app within the building through a real 3D navigation, up to the clinic where he has an appointment. The exploration and visit of the Casa della Salute reaches an even more immersive dimension if the Augmented Reality is activated by simply framing the surrounding space with your mobile device. In fact, this allows real-time access to route indications, information and points of interest.

In a nutshell, this new experimental model of public service in which the citizen's personal digital assistant:
• makes the care and relationship services already implemented by the regional system more proactive
• informs, directs and accompanies the assistance process in a personalized and predictive manner with respect to the specific needs of the citizen and his family
• knows the entire offer of territorial social-health services and manages to compose and propose it through simple conversational multilingual chats
• it helps the 3D exploration of offices and clinics where services are provided and allows access to information in Augmented Reality.

Finally, with an approach of extreme attention and listening to the needs of citizens, the app allows you to collect all the comments and suggestions of those who want to experience it, to assess their impact, implementation and development.

iCare Assistant Screenshots