IF - Infomobilità Firenze is the official App of the Municipality of Florence to keep you updated on city mobility.
The IF App allows you to receive customized push notifications based on user preferences and consult up-to-date information on urgent road works, accidents, transit times at Local Public Transport stops (bus, tram, etc.), street cleaning , Cycle paths, charging stations, availability of parking spaces in the structure, construction sites and everything related to mobility in the Florentine area. With IF the user can plan his travels for work or study purposes and obtain the information that helps him choose the most suitable solution for him. With IF you can send reports on the services used to help the Administration to improve the mobility of the Florentine area.
The IF App allows you to receive customized push notifications based on user preferences and consult up-to-date information on urgent road works, accidents, transit times at Local Public Transport stops (bus, tram, etc.), street cleaning , Cycle paths, charging stations, availability of parking spaces in the structure, construction sites and everything related to mobility in the Florentine area. With IF the user can plan his travels for work or study purposes and obtain the information that helps him choose the most suitable solution for him. With IF you can send reports on the services used to help the Administration to improve the mobility of the Florentine area.
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