Teseo Sardegna is the complete application for urban and extra-urban mobility.
- Calculate the best route to get to your destination;
- View the route of the lines and stops on the map;
- Find out the travel times of the vehicles;
- View the stops near you or at another address of your interest;
- You always have the list of your favorite stops at your fingertips.
Share your journey on public transport to help other users know the timetables in real time.
Buy tickets and digital passes of partner companies and validate them by scanning the QR codes on the vehicles. *
* Company travel tickets are available:
Tour Baire
Villasimius Srl
Autolinee Del Golfo
Murgia bus lines
Pusceddu Viaggi
Pisanu bus lines
Fara Viaggi Group
Anglona Tour
Mereu bus lines
Baire Mario
- Calculate the best route to get to your destination;
- View the route of the lines and stops on the map;
- Find out the travel times of the vehicles;
- View the stops near you or at another address of your interest;
- You always have the list of your favorite stops at your fingertips.
Share your journey on public transport to help other users know the timetables in real time.
Buy tickets and digital passes of partner companies and validate them by scanning the QR codes on the vehicles. *
* Company travel tickets are available:
Tour Baire
Villasimius Srl
Autolinee Del Golfo
Murgia bus lines
Pusceddu Viaggi
Pisanu bus lines
Fara Viaggi Group
Anglona Tour
Mereu bus lines
Baire Mario
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