The App, a product of the Life ASPIRE project, allows freight operators authorized to enter the Lucca LTZ of:
- detect on map the position and occupation status of goods loading / unloading stalls
- activate the stop recording on loading / unloading stalls to accumulate Ecopoint
- detect on map the cargo bike sharing stations and the relative occupation status of the service
- activate the unlocking of cargo bikes and use the service, accumulating Ecopoint
- monitor the accumulated Ecopoints
Through the Life ASPIRE project the Municipality of Lucca intends to reward the eco-sustainable behavior of freight transport operators entering the historic center. For this purpose, the subjects authorized to enter the ZTL, are assigned basic Ecopointin, both to the characteristics of freight vehicles and to the behavior of the operator. The parameters considered are:
- vehicle emission standard
- time spent in the LTZ
- presence of a logistics base within 5 km from the historic center
- use of parking stalls for loading unloading goods
- use of the cargo bike sharing service
Based on the number of Ecopoints accumulated during the year, a sustainability award will be defined (to be established as part of the project experimentation) that the Municipality of Lucca will assign to the most virtuous company / operator.
At the first use of the App, for authentication it is necessary to use:
- User: valid email address;
- Password: last 9 digits of the identification code of the "Lucca Mobility Pass" associated with the permit.
The categories of permits involved in the trial (D, E, M, U and related sub-categories) will be equipped with the "Lucca Mobility Pass" to be displayed on the windscreen, near the access permit to the historic center (Resolution GC n. 242 of 29/10 / 2019)
The LIFE ASPIRE project "Advanced logistics platform with road pricing and access to urban environment and mobility of goods" is a pilot project funded by the European Commission under the LIFE program.
The project involves the Municipality of Lucca as leader and 5 other partners from 3 different countries of the European Union (Italy: Municipality of Lucca, LUCENSE, MemEx, Municipia; Croatia: City of Zadar and Sweden: City of Stockholm).
The objective of the project is to develop an innovative policy for managing the mobility of goods based on sustainability credits in the areas of historic city centers and to implement new urban logistics services to promote sustainable and intelligent management of the urban environment and of commercial traffic in European cities.
For more information:
- detect on map the position and occupation status of goods loading / unloading stalls
- activate the stop recording on loading / unloading stalls to accumulate Ecopoint
- detect on map the cargo bike sharing stations and the relative occupation status of the service
- activate the unlocking of cargo bikes and use the service, accumulating Ecopoint
- monitor the accumulated Ecopoints
Through the Life ASPIRE project the Municipality of Lucca intends to reward the eco-sustainable behavior of freight transport operators entering the historic center. For this purpose, the subjects authorized to enter the ZTL, are assigned basic Ecopointin, both to the characteristics of freight vehicles and to the behavior of the operator. The parameters considered are:
- vehicle emission standard
- time spent in the LTZ
- presence of a logistics base within 5 km from the historic center
- use of parking stalls for loading unloading goods
- use of the cargo bike sharing service
Based on the number of Ecopoints accumulated during the year, a sustainability award will be defined (to be established as part of the project experimentation) that the Municipality of Lucca will assign to the most virtuous company / operator.
At the first use of the App, for authentication it is necessary to use:
- User: valid email address;
- Password: last 9 digits of the identification code of the "Lucca Mobility Pass" associated with the permit.
The categories of permits involved in the trial (D, E, M, U and related sub-categories) will be equipped with the "Lucca Mobility Pass" to be displayed on the windscreen, near the access permit to the historic center (Resolution GC n. 242 of 29/10 / 2019)
The LIFE ASPIRE project "Advanced logistics platform with road pricing and access to urban environment and mobility of goods" is a pilot project funded by the European Commission under the LIFE program.
The project involves the Municipality of Lucca as leader and 5 other partners from 3 different countries of the European Union (Italy: Municipality of Lucca, LUCENSE, MemEx, Municipia; Croatia: City of Zadar and Sweden: City of Stockholm).
The objective of the project is to develop an innovative policy for managing the mobility of goods based on sustainability credits in the areas of historic city centers and to implement new urban logistics services to promote sustainable and intelligent management of the urban environment and of commercial traffic in European cities.
For more information:
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