Memoria di Torella aims at promoting and enhancing the artistic and cultural heritage within the city, through special support technologies that will make the experience a memorable visit.
The recovery of the historical memory of Torella dei Lombardi is the goal of an interactive journey into the past, based on the comparison between the historical past of the country and its evolution up to the present day. The deep knowledge of the origins based on intelligent, accurate description of places and sites of historical importance, artistic and cultural.
The App provides media content related to the "Memory Points" and to various points of interest traceable via the navigation map. All markers are visible and clickable and you can choose between various points located around himself accompanied by a window with a preview image of the place and a title.
The "Visit Smart" mode gives the user the possibility to discover nearby places by simply giving notice of attendance. Near a point of memory, the App recognizes and proposes the use, and then to suggest, then, the visit of the other points that are located in the immediate vicinity.
The QR-Code scanner allows access to various multimedia content of all data sheets about the points, simply by framing the QR codes reference.
The sections "Common" and "Castle" describe specifically the historical and cultural aspects in Torella dei Lombardi and the Ruspoli Castle Candriano via texts, picture galleries and 3D models.
The "News" section keeps you updated in real time, all users of any updates and unpublished information content.
The interaction is supported by the use of the map which indicates all the events and places of art available; but also as a "Catalog" mode that allows for efficient management of offline content, allowing to quickly look up the previously downloaded content.
All statements relating to the memory points or to points of interest are multimedia content (text, audio, images and video) divided by detail pages. Content will be available in Italian and English.
The recovery of the historical memory of Torella dei Lombardi is the goal of an interactive journey into the past, based on the comparison between the historical past of the country and its evolution up to the present day. The deep knowledge of the origins based on intelligent, accurate description of places and sites of historical importance, artistic and cultural.
The App provides media content related to the "Memory Points" and to various points of interest traceable via the navigation map. All markers are visible and clickable and you can choose between various points located around himself accompanied by a window with a preview image of the place and a title.
The "Visit Smart" mode gives the user the possibility to discover nearby places by simply giving notice of attendance. Near a point of memory, the App recognizes and proposes the use, and then to suggest, then, the visit of the other points that are located in the immediate vicinity.
The QR-Code scanner allows access to various multimedia content of all data sheets about the points, simply by framing the QR codes reference.
The sections "Common" and "Castle" describe specifically the historical and cultural aspects in Torella dei Lombardi and the Ruspoli Castle Candriano via texts, picture galleries and 3D models.
The "News" section keeps you updated in real time, all users of any updates and unpublished information content.
The interaction is supported by the use of the map which indicates all the events and places of art available; but also as a "Catalog" mode that allows for efficient management of offline content, allowing to quickly look up the previously downloaded content.
All statements relating to the memory points or to points of interest are multimedia content (text, audio, images and video) divided by detail pages. Content will be available in Italian and English.
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