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Logica Plan

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About Logica Plan

Optimize your intervention agenda with CMMS Logica
Improve communication, involve staff, track activities, times, costs and speed up interventions.
Start your free trial now

Simple and fast for technicians
Data-driven for managers

Eliminate Excel sheets, phone calls, emails, WhatsApp messages and other tribal means.
CMMS Logica software helps you get more done in less time.

It is Logica's planning tool.
Actively supports the planner:
view workloads and resource availability over time and on a map
view real-time activities, new assignments and any changes to the work schedule
highlights any needs of the activity such as necessary materials, notices on how to access job sites
usable by means of simple drag&drop functions.

Geolocation Operators
The places and locations of Logica's interventions are automatically geolocated to obtain information on the most advantageous route and estimate travel times.
Logica provides information on the weather of the place of destination on the expected date of intervention and informs on any procedures for accessing the area.
Each place is also characterized by the contacts and references of the site managers at which work is to be done.

Activities Archive
The activities performed on objects, machines and systems are automatically archived by Logica and remain available forever! The report of what has been performed, including photos, multimedia elements and documents, can be easily and quickly consulted in real time within Logica Plan and from the mobile app.
A real historical register of the activities carried out!

Mobile apps
Logica Plan is also available as an Android app, downloadable from the Google Play Store, and takes advantage of all the functions, services and supports present on the devices such as QR code reading, document scanning, voice recognition, camera, immediate text translation.
The app is the external worker's work tool: it displays the work program, accompanies the worker on site, supporting him in the execution through the acquisition of images, video and audio, up to the generation of the work report, archiving it and allowing it to be sent by email to the customer.

Reports and Reporting
The app is also the technician's tool for autonomously reporting on what has been done at the customer's site: working hours, travel time, workers assigned to the activity, materials/spare parts used, etc... Through the app, the technician is guided through the compilation and to the printing of the work report, it is supported in the filing of reporting documents and finally it is accompanied in the procedure for sending the report to the customer. The app is designed to allow the employee to do his job and not worry about administrative procedures.

Search all information
All in one place.
With the search function, you can enter keywords or phrases related to what you are looking for and the system will return a list of everything that matches your search criteria.
This makes it much easier and faster to find the files you want than having to manually search through hundreds of folders.

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